Star Trek: Elokomin (Behind the Scenes) Location Shoot in Apopka, Florida


This is a brief look at the sort of work being done by the crew of Star Trek: Elokomin. Makeup artistry, working with horses, managing sound, and of course, directing the cast all take patience, timing, and diligence. All of this attention to detail is crucial to the creation of films worth watching.

Here is a set of twenty-four behind the scenes still photographs from the same day they posted on Facebook. While you are there, be sure to click the “Like” button once to subscribe, then a second time to check “Get Notifications” to really subscribe (that’s just how Facebook works).

Visit the main Star Trek: Elokomin page.

John Sims of Exeter Trek, Accepts and Issues the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

John Sims star of, and Executive Producer of Exeter Trek, takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Then, our beloved Captain Ellison J. Moorey (Sims) challenges fellow Star Trek independent film producers John Broughton and Michael Bednar of Farragut Films Studio (creators of Starship Farragut, and home of Star Trek Continues), as well as Frank Parker, Jr. of The Dreadnought Dominion Project, to accept the challenge AND donate to the ALS cause.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association


Farragut Films Network

The Dreadnought Dominion Project