Another audio episode from the fine folks at Star Trek: The Continuing Mission.
Project: Potemkin — “Shovel of Kahless” [S02-F]
Star Trek Continues “Fairest of Them All” — Episode 3
In the Mirror Universe, Spock faces a choice that determines the future of the Terran Empire.
Star Trek: Natures Hunger Is One To Watch!
Cepeda Media, an Atlanta area based production company, has announced that the long-awaited series Star Trek: Natures Hunger has been released. The project is no longer in development and has begun production (e.g. locations are being scouted, people are being hired, and there is a firm start date for filming).
Vignettes have been released, with the more episodes slated for release. Cepeda Media regularly releases independent shorts.
To keep up-to-date with developments of Star Trek: Natures Hunger, please visit the main Star Trek Natures Hunger page here at Star Trek Channel, where you will find news, releases, and links to their media outlets.